Helping APAV


APAV exists and develops its activities thanks also to the support from Businesses and Citizens.


By helping APAV, you are contributing to:

Minimizing the scars that a crime leaves on a victim;
     » Training and qualifying technicians to provide support to victims of crime;
     » Giving specialized support to victims of crime, their families, and friends;
     » Promoting the rights of victims of crime in Portugal.

How to help APAV ?


» APAV VOLUNTEERING. For information on volunteering with APAV, click here.


» DONATIONS (cash, goods or services) are essential for the financial support of the APAV project

- by bank transfer to IBAN PT50.0036.0000.99105881577.83 (Montepio) using a cash machine or home banking.

- online donation (debit or credit cards)

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» DONATING 0.5% FROM YOUR IRS [personal income tax]: you will not pay more taxes because of this donation – you only need to put a cross in table 9 in annex H and write APAV's taxpayer number in box 901: 502 547 952.

APAV is registered and is eligible to receive your IRS allocation: the Autoridade Tributária e Aduaneira (Tax and Customs Authority) will deliver that value to APAV






The PRO BONO Friends of APAV are qualified professionals from specialist areas (lawyers, clinical psychologists, marketeers, designers, IT specialists, doctors, among others) who, not being able to provide weekly hours of work in APAV premises supporting its activities, are willing to collaborate voluntarily through their specialised work.

For example:

» a lawyer may get one, two or more pro bono cases of particularly vulnerable victims per year. These cases are followed up in his/her office.

» a designer may work PRO BONO in the design of an APAV publication (an handbook of procedures, for example) in his/her studio;

» an IT specialist may work PRO BONO in a database for APAV.

Friends PRO BONO, that is, those who provide their work free of charge in their workplace, are a kind of APAV volunteers. They give for free what they can do best, thus supporting APAV and the victims of crime.

To apply to be a Friend Pro Bono, click here.




APAV can legally receive legacies or bequests left in a will.

For this purpose, you only need to instruct the notary (notário, in Portuguese)) to include APAV in you will - Associação Portuguesa de Apoio à Vítima (headquarters located on Rua José Estêvão, 135 A, 1150 – 201 Lisboa), taxpayer number 502 547 952.

The estate left to APAV can be of enormous importance in supporting victims of crime by APAV. Citizens who were victims of crime can leave their inheritance or legacy to enable APAV keep their independence and to support future victims  in solidarity.



COURTS - Injunctions in favour of APAV

Since its early days, APAV has maintained a close collaboration with the Courts, particularly the ones working with Criminal Justice.

When supporting the victim of crime, we seek to make the liaison between the victim and the justice system. We do this by informing the victims of their rights and how to exercise them, guiding and accompanying them in their contacts with the Courts, the Police and the Public Prosecution Service.

The victims, the lawyers and the Public Prosecutor can use their different roles to promote the use of legal mechanisms to help APAV's role in defending and supporting independently and with quality citizens who are victims of crime. These mechanisms are, for example, suspending the defendant's sentence on the condition of him/her donating a monetary contribution to a charity - to APAV, in this case.




Integrating Corporate Social Responsibility in the Companies' policies and ways of working is now developing as one of the main objectives in their relationship with the community. Corporate Social Responsibility involves, internally, adopting policies on non-discriminatory recruitment and management, access to training, work-life balance, health and safety, etc., and, externally in their collaboration with the community, environmental responsibility and sponsorships.

Corporate Social Responsibility demonstrates corporate citizenship by the economic agents.

In today's society, corporate citizenship is more and more valued by consumers and translates into clear advantages through added value to the image of the corporation, its products and services and through acknowledging and improving motivation across the company's organisational structure.

APAV's work has been widely recognised as important and relevant to the Portuguese society and this, alongside its public utility status and reputation as a social "brand", are essential values for establishing partnerships with companies under their social responsibility policies. These are embedded in the Social Patronage Law (Estatuto do Mecenato Social) and brings tax benefits to companies.

The advantages are:

» The Company's image is enhanced and awareness for its brand(s) is strengthened by associating them with APAV's social mission;

»Enhanced public and media visibility for the Company through media coverage and public impact of the activities developed by APAV;

»Improving the motivation of the company's staff by focussing on solidarity action, and improving team spirit;

»Tax benefits under the Social Patronage Law, which can increase the contribution of the company to 140% of its value.



If you want to collaborate with a contribution, idea or project of social responsibility in your company or if you just want more information, please contact us: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Thank you.



Help us so we can help others.