Documentation and Information Centre


APAV's Documentation and Information Centre is located at our headquarters and offers, in addition to our own publications, a collection of documents and literature which focuses on the areas of victimology, criminology, restorative justice,  victim support and violence.

Continuing an old tradition of cooperation with universities and higher education institutions, APAV colaborates in making dozens of monographs, including internship monographs (in the form of an internship report at a Victim Support Office); monographs of curricular subjects (work prepared for curricular purposes, which are related to APAV's mission); undergraduate and post-graduate monographs (prepared at the end of the academic training, integrated in the curriculum and crucial for their successful conclusion); master´s and doctorate degree monographs (prepared with greater depth and scientific rigor, leading to master´s and doctorate degrees). The collaboration of APAV in any of these research assignments always involves an evaluation process by the supervisor and/or researcher. The request for collaboration,through samples (usually of crime victims, but also of volunteers), is very frequent. The conditions of the sampling are listed according to an ever-present concern - to not disrupt the daily life of the Association, particularly with regard to victim support processes.

APAV’s cooperation is subject to an evaluation of the proposal by both the supervisor ate APAV and the researcher. Often the request for assistance relates to the use of data (generally data on victims of crime, but sometimes on volunteers). The conditions for the use os this data are negotiated and the daily support work of the organisation is not disturbed.


Opens: Wednesday, from 2 p.m. to 5.30 p.m.


Associação Portuguesa de Apoio à Vítima
Rua José Estêvão, 135 A, Piso 2
1150-201 Lisboa
tel. (+351) 21 358 79 19
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