Putting victims’ rights into practice - How to implement EU directive on victims’ rights | 26th November 2012 | European Parliament

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Victim Support Europe’s conference “Putting victims’ rights into practice – How to implement EU directive on victims’ rights across the EU” will take place in the European Parliament on the 26th November from 14h to 18h and will focus on the practical implementation of the EU Directive establishing minimum standards on the rights, support and protection of victims of crime.

The conference will include presentations from representatives of the European Commission, European Parliament and the Council of the European Union. The event will also identify European best practice and input from national Member States’ perspective in relation to key rights, such as victims’ right to protection, right to information, right to individual assessment and right to support.

This is a chance for Members of the European Parliament, criminal justice agencies, national representatives, lawyers, practitioners and academics to learn more about the new EU Directive and how it can be implemented in practice to ensure victims of crime are able to access their new stronger rights across Europe.

For more information please check the website www.victimsupporteurope.eu