The President of the Portuguese Republic visited APAV

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The President of the Portuguese Republic, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, visited APAV on the March 8th, for the occasion of the International Women's Day. In his speech, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa reinforced the importance of the work carried out by APAV in supporting victims of crime, and also expressed the desire to see APAV growing continuously in those support, prevention and awareness services offered to those who suffer violence and crime.

The President’s visit started with a tour at APAV’s head office, Victim Support Helpline – 116006 and Lisbon Victim Support Office, and ended up with a warm and motivating speech. In his speech President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa highlighted the importance of APAV’s work for more than 26 years on the support of victims of every crime in Portugal, with emphasis on the service that APAV provides to the Portuguese society as a whole.

The President took the opportunity to mention the award received by APAV with the degree of Honorary Member of the Order of Liberty and, two-years past, express on behalf of the Portuguese the gratitude for all of APAV’s work on giving voice to the silence of victims in Portugal. More than a recognition of APAV’s past work, the President emphasised that the award should be seen as an incentive for the future

Because it was the International Women’s Day, the President of the Republic also made an important note on the severe statistics of domestic violence and the continuous effort and work that still has to be done for this victims in Portugal and worldwide, being APAV the civil society organisation of reference in tackling and supporting the victims of this phenomenon.