Conference ROAR: Challenges in providing support to victims of cybercrime

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The Conference ROAR: Challenges in providing support to victims of cybercrime will take place on the 3rd of November 2020 in the headquarters of Altice Portugal (Lisbon) as the final event of Project ROAR: Empowering victims of cybercrime.

By hosting this event, the Portuguese Association for Victim Support (APAV) and its partnership aim at presenting the results and outputs of Project ROAR but also at creating a knowledge-based space for the exchange of good practices and for pushing forward recommendations on how to enhance prevention on cybercrime and the support provided to its victims.

The Conference will gather civil society organisations, academia, industry, media, law enforcement agencies, judicial authorities and policy makers from across Europe, thus providing a unique opportunity to strengthen synergies and discuss multidisciplinary strategies to prevent and combat cybercrime, discussing current and future threats, challenges in investigating these crimes and in supporting victims.

The Conference programme is diverse not only in terms of speakers’ nationalities and background, but also in the types of sessions it foresees. In the Conference, besides the plenary sessions where key-note speakers will share their expertise on several matters related to cybercrime, participants will have the opportunity to register for different workshops in which relevant topics concerning the digital world will be discussed, such as online frauds and cyberstalking in the context of intimate relationships, among others, as well as prevention and mitigation measures through a multidisciplinary approach.

The range of topics within the Conference’s main theme and the diversity of session format is intended to encourage the active participation of those attending the Conference as the knowledge shared and produced will be in itself a positive result of the Project.

To organise this Conference, APAV is using its experience as an organisation which hosts similar events for almost 30 years but also on the inputs, ideas and suggestions of its partners in Project ROAR.

Programme, information and registration:


This conference was funded by the European Union's Internal Security Fund — Police.
The content of this conference represents the views of the author only and is his/her sole responsibility. The European Commission does not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains.