Hate No More Conference | Acknowledgments

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It was held on September the 26 the Hate No More Conference, at Campus da Justiça, in Lisbon, an event in which culminated the work of the project Hate No More: Support to Victims of Hate Crime. The Portuguese Association for Victim Support (APAV) notes, with great pleasure, the extremely positive reaction of all partner entities during this day.

APAV thanks all partners who have made it possible to hold this conference. To national partners - Policia Judiciária, Procuradoria-Geral da República e Comissão para a Cidadania e Igualdade de Género - as well as international partners - Faith Matters (United Kingdom), Solidarcy (Italy), Victim Support Malta (Malta), Swedish Crime Victim Support (Sweden), Victim Support Austria (Austria); Spanish Confederation of Police (Spain) and Victim Support Europe -, APAV appreciates the collaboration and dedication to this project.

APAV also thanks the support given by various national and international entities, notably the Direção-Geral da Política de Justiça (DGPJ), Direção-Geral da Administração da Justiça, Instituto dos Registos e do Notariado (IRN), Instituto de Gestão Financeira e Equipamentos da Justiça (IGFEJ) and the British Embassy Lisbon.

APAV also thanks, especially, to all the speakers who have agreed to participate in this event, as well as to all the volunteers present, who every day allow APAV to carry out its mission successfully.