Seminar Infovictims: Innovation in promoting victims’ rights | April 7th 2016 | Porto

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The Seminar Infovictims: Innovation in promoting victims’ rights will take place in Porto, on the 7th of April 2016, at the Atmosfera M.

This Seminar is developed under Project Infovictims II (co-financed by the Criminal Justice Programme of the European Union), promoted by the
Portuguese Association for Victim Support (APAV) in partnership with Victim Support Scotland (Scotland), Subvenia Victima (Poland), Weisser Ring Germany (Germany), Weisser Ring Austria (Austria), Victim Support Europe, Public Security Police (PSP) and the Directorate-General of Justice Administration (DGAJ).

We are living in a crosscutting moment in what concerns the rights and support to victims of crime. This paradigm shift, mostly in result of the EU Member States implementation of the Directive of the Parliament and of the Council establishing minimum standards on rights, support and protection of victims, brought additional challenges and an urgent need for (re) adaptations on both the criminal justice system and on victim support services.

At the same time, the growing importance of the information and communications technologies triggered the promotion of new victim support models. These new models are mainly focused on the search for innovative responses and services closer to victims, their families and friends.

What is the state of the art concerning victims’ rights in Europe? Which are the most pressing challenges?

Which innovative ways are Member States drawing to improve the provision of information, support and manner of dealing with victims?

How to reach even more victims? Which new forms of providing information and support are raising in the field?

In Seminar Infovictims: Innovation in promoting victims’ rights we will analyse the state of the art concerning victims’ rights in Portugal and in Europe, as well as reflect on innovative aspects and effective ways of providing information, support and protection to victims of crime.

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